Josh Noland
Photography / Videography
I started taking photos when I was 16, I made a blog and posted picturers I took on a point and shoot and edited them with apps on my phone. I later purchased my first camera a Canon t3. A few years later I purchased my next camera a Canon 60d.
​2010- present
Shortly after I turned 16, I had a strange obession with coffee. The church I grew up at had a coffee shop so I began my coffee endevures there. I later became an Employee at the coffee shop and started managment duties. About two years later I got offered a job downtown sacramento as a barista for a well known coffee shop. My love for coffee grew tremendously.
Jcnoland Photography
​2010 - 2012
​I started my own Independent buisness as an euntrapenuer. I worked with other photographers to build my skill and knowledge then finaly steped out in the real world by myself. I have experience from Senior Portraits to engagments to Weddings. I built a team that consisted of a stage designer and a back up photographer that traveled with me to the weddings I was assigned to
A Barista / Photographer
​2010 - present
I later figured a way to involve coffee and photograhy. I brought my camera to work and took pictures of everything I could in the coffee shop. I got offered a job downtown sacramento as a barista for a well known coffee shop. I presued my job as a barista and a photographer but my love for photoraphy found its way to the top of my priority list.
Signlanguage Interperater
​2013- present
I was born into a deaf family, and ofcorce Signlanguage was my first language. I have the best parents anyone could possibly ask for, Yes they are deaf, No that does not mean they are any different than anyone else. Shortly after I turned 18 I was offered a job with a pay that more than doubled my income as a barista.
I was fortuante as a kid to have parents that love to travel, I have been to 47 states along with 7 of the Canadian Provinces and hopefuly a whole other world of traveling ahead.
I speak english along with the majority of america and I also am fluent In American Sign Language. I also took a basic german class.
High School Graduate
Where I Started